An Imp in the High Castle. - Chapter 4 - SiamesePhoenix (2024)

Chapter Text

In the staff room of a casino of the Greed Ring, Barbie Wire, attired in a manager costume, inhaled her cigarette deeply with her other hand over her forehead. “Don’t worry, Barb.” A transfem lizard demon with neon teal-dark turquoise hair patted her shoulder, sitting on her side “The official will kill him before the next jackpot happens.” she assured as she took a shot of snowflake lime vodka.

As a Lofi version of Stay with Me by Miki Matsubara sounded from another side of the door, Barb sighed a gray fog and grabbed another shot of snowflaked drink on the table. “Well, that f*cker killed people for a living, including my mom!” she stared at her colleague in a bitter tone. Barb took a quick gulp of vodka before taking another puff of smoking.

“Then, kill him from the inside” the lizard lady suggested, shrugging as she pressed a tabletop machine to make them a few more shots. “I wanna f*ck him hard that he wished he was never born” she shrugged, bottom-up her frapped vodka with cola syrup “Like what they say, revenge is better served ice cold” she handed Barb a small shot of cola vodka frappe.

Barbie paused and took a sudden gulf, turning toward the serpent co-manager with wide eyes “Yeah, I just have to tell officers his latest weak spots!” She put her shot glass against the table instantly. “He seemed to want to fix our past tho-” she paused, rubbing her chin with her index finger before smiling at the ends of her lips.

Carrying some bags for Loona and Blitz, Maxxie struggled to catch up with them on the street in a small suburb. Loona wore a cap, sunglasses, and a leather jacket as a disguise while Blitz disguised himself in a blonde ponytail and scarf over his mouth, and fashioned himself similarly to a K-pop star. Maxxie, dressed in a white-buttoned shirt and jean pants, lowered his head to blend in the crowd.

“A few miles ahead, gang!” Blitz encouraged Loona and Maxxie as he looked around with a confident expression “And we will be at a place to sleep and relax before going for the port!” he blinked, walking quicker as Loona followed the pace.

“Hey!” Maxxie shouted, attempting to catch the team up with 5 bags with him “Wait for m-!”


A few tall bullies stood in his way, smirking mischievously as the minotaur with a muscled build smirked. “Maxxie, you think you're gonna just run away?” he taunted, cracking his knuckles as the lanky incubus pushed him out of surprise. An incubus kicked Maxxie in his crotch before he could get up.

The final member, an eel-like imp grinned as she noticed a bagful of coins on his waist. “Guess what, gimme your lunch mone-!”


A roundhouse kick hit the minotaur who seemed to be a ringleader, sending his face on the concrete floor. “Leave my luggage boy alone, you little f*ckers!” Loona groaned, staring at the other two before lifting the eel imp and headbutting her so hard that her opponent got a nosebleed. “I don’t have patience for being postponed by you punks!” she highlighted before throwing the imp against an incubus “Leave or else…”.

The young triad got up and ran away in fear. Maxxie groaned as his balls were so hurt that he was barely able to walk. “Thanks-” he smiled beamingly, trying to pick up all the bags right away.

“Those guys may steal my stuff” She shrugged with a deadpan tone, taking her bag and letting Maxxie carry the rest. Loona handed her a can of chilled cola “Put this on your crotch.” she suggested, idly walking before him “Porters unable to walk are not so useful”.

Maxxie held a can by his thighs before Blitz returned with a female imp with a pigtail wig slightly taller than him. “Good news, Loonie! Barbie is cool to start our siblinghood over.” He declared in glee, grabbing Loona’s hand to shake Barb’s, causing a moment of awkwardness.

Barbie smiled softly at Loona “I guess you can call me Auntie Barbie” she patted her shoulder after breaking a handshake “Blitz told me you are the coolest member of his team”. She paused her sight upon Maxxie and frowned as she rolled her eyes ”This shrimp looks like my least favorite coworker you brought the last, Blitz” she chuckled lightly as Blitz laughed softly as a manner to get along.

Maxxie rolled his eyes and remained quiet, turning away from the rest. Barbie sighed heavily after a hearty laugh, wiping her tears off “Take it easy, boy. Let’s just go to eat lunch around my workplace.” She gave Maxxie a soft smile before turning to Blitz “Have to admit he is a tough cookie”.

The thick gravy and black pepper aroma danced with sharp cheddar over pancakes and smokey bacon to the symphony of sizzling pan from the kitchen and jukebox playing slightly broken rhymes of Victor Wood’s Mr.Lonely. The diner was crowded during the lunch break as customers of sinners and hellborns alike killed for a seat to enjoy the seat, including the one Barbie booked an hour ago by her connection to the waiters and loyal patronage as its long-term customer.

“Easy there, dude!” Barbie chuckled seeing Blitz taking another piece of toasted grilled cheese from a common dish with 8 more freshly made and served varieties. Even under the disguise of another teen imp, he could not help himself gobbling an entire slice in 10 seconds. Loona beamed lightly while enjoying her steak, medium and seasoned with peppery gravy and spiced fries. Maxxie, meanwhile, was savoring a platter of scrambled eggs, cheesy pancakes, and some co*cktail weiners with a mug of warm milk on a side.

Blitz paused after swallowing a Jalapeno grilled cheese whole. “Heaven nah! These are some good feasts!” He smiled back, sucking his fingers as he grabbed the third piece with overloaded coleslaw and barbecued spam.

Barbie nodded, smiling lightly as she prepared a bottle of sickly green liquid hidden under her sleeve. “Glad you like it” She reached for one of the sandwiches, letting a few drops of liquid spatter on it “You gotta try this one-”.

“You seem to be a hungry lad, don’t ya?!” a sinner chef shouted from the kitchen with a thick Louisiana African accent “Why don’t ya try 20 sandwiches challenge? If you finish ‘em in 30 minutes without water or a break longer than 20 seconds. It’s a free meal!”

Hearing an offer to eat 20 more free sandwiches before spending the lost time with Barbie, Blitz beamed with his eyes and grinned as he got up. “Bring it on, man!” He got up and yelled loudly, attracting the eyes of other customers. Loona almost interrupted, but seeing he acted in character and Maxxie looking at Blitz being praised as a worthy challenger just made him lightly smile. Barb facepalmed and secretly put the poisoned sandwich in a paper bag.

A head chef, an anthropomorphic hammerhead shark with a horn, walked out of the kitchen, smirking intimidatingly as he swung his greasy spatula like a sword. “Boy, if ya fail, ya gotta pay 100 hellbucks” he highlighted, crossing his arms while staring into Blitz’s eyes. “As an offer of kindness, I will let you choose the flavors for each of the 20 sandwiches”.

Blitz, crossing his arms while chuckling in his throat. “Bard told me it is her treat” he turned his head to Barbie, who blushed and stared at him angrily “But that would not be the case ‘cause I am not planning to lose.” He grabbed a toothpick with olive on it before chomping an entire pit in a single bite. “Make each of those 16 premium flavors and others…” he answered the offer of the head chef “BLT, Sriracha Teriyaki, Big Moma Bahn Mi, and PBB & J''

“Wait for 5 minutes, and you ain’t got a single glass of water” The chef mentioned beforehand, grabbing freshly toasted buns and spreading sauces on each rapidly and precisely. “Those bad boys ain’t only big in flavors, gotta remind ya before your misery” he taunted, chuckling as the kitchen went like a factory belt. All eyes looked at Blitz before someone in the crowd raised their hand.

“What is your name? Sir” a blogger incubus/succubus asked, preparing their camera as Loona was getting up to stop Blitz from doing anything stupid. However, Barbie stopped her first with a gentle push back to the seat.

“Bli-” he paused, smirking in a sharp manner “Bang Ryong Ho!” he answered confidently, doing a mini-heart hand pose to the crowd.

A wide plate of 20 stuff-loaded sandwiches was put in front of Blitz as the chef activated his timer. “Don’t Worry. I cut the edges off for you” he teased, returning to cook the normal dishes as Blitz took the Nashville Double-fried co*ckatrice a large bite first.

Maxxie paused his all-day breakfast feast, staring at Blitz, who finished the first in around half a minute with his jaw dropped. The crowd’s opinions were mixed as whispers rolled around the diner; from That lad got a potential of Leviathan to Rookie’s mistake; eating too fast .

Blitz put Bugbear Bulgogi and Lava Lobster Mayo together into one double slice, chomping it wide that two-thirds of it was eaten in half a minute just before the rest followed in a moment after some chewings. A moan of culinary pleasure sounded before he took the 5-grilled cheese and tore it in half before finishing each in ten seconds.

Barbie Wire checked a message from AgkonKalinggaKing69 on her phone, texting another side for how to cover bitterness in herb and gorgon venom-based poison. The crowd cheered loudly, as one of the witnesses joined her table.

“Barb! You know that guy?” An anthropomorphic toad sinner pointed at Blitz as he had finished 8 sandwiches and used a toast from the 9th piece to dunk the sauce remaining from eaten sandwiches. “Like, he is a beast! I have not seen anyone eating like him since…” he shrugged “Keep it short; he gonna be a f*ckin’ legend.”

After Cheesy Hawaiian Beef swallowed its last bit, Blitz took the eleven after shrugging some sriracha and tomato ketchup into his throat as a tasty lubricant.

“Hey!” The chef yelled as he noticed Blitz using bottles of sauce to aid his victory “That’s-”

Loona got up, staring at him “Does that look like a drink to you?” she asked with a clenching fist “And your paper says nothing about using sauce or how to use it” She stared, as Maxxie raised his glass of warm milk toward the crowd “Let’s give Mr.Bang a good cheer! Shan’t we?”

Sounds of tables slamming, cheering, and flashing from cameras orchestrated around Blitz and his gang as Blitz rolled Sriracha Teriyaki into a burrito and bit it off quickly.

“So…you know Mr.Bang?” the toad guy repeated his question to Barb, looking at the crowd cheering in excitement while one of the waitresses tried to break toward Blitz “Chef wants you to stop! He will give you a half-off those challe-!” the Karen sinner yelled before someone held her by the wrist.

Maxxie stared at Karen in maid attire “Won’t you guys keep the promise because he's gonna win?” He asked while looking into the angry sinner’s eyes.

“You can’t hit a senior woman, mister.” The Karen groaned, raising her palm high “Bu-”


Loona threw a punch on her face, sending Karen laying Peter Griffin on the floor “But I can, and I don’t give a f*ck!” she roared before the chef snapped his fingers, calling upon a few bodyguards from the entrance.

“Y-yah” Barb nodded sheepishly as some crowds pushed the bodyguards away from Blitz while the cooks with machetes left the kitchens in a line. “We worked together when we were young” she shrugged, smiled with a blush “and don’t ask about our relationship; we are related-”

The toad guy gasped “Woaw! That is one badass cousin you can ask for!” he handed Barb a phone, showing a video of a tiger cub playing xylophone “Is not she cute?~” he gleed while the group of sinners with dough rollers and chances stroked the knives-wielding cooks away from Blitz, and one of the wooden chairs was thrown over, hitting a buff Baphomet minding his business and beer.

The Baphomet took a crowbar out of his sleeve, slamming on the clueless butler who carried trays of glasses before he slipped. Broken glasses shattered across the floor and water flowed into a random Sinsmas light decor. “Aw~ She is a jungle musical kitten indeed.” Barbie beamed with eyes wide open while smoke started to form from around the twinkling light and fallen quarrellers screamed in pain.

Blitz was occupied with his 13th sandwich; a whole wheat with Caesar tuna filling, chewing slowly while moving his waist a bit to give himself more space. “This thing is dry as fuc-”


“I told you, Afton!” A hellhound threw a mummified sinner with distorted limbs on the nearby desk, throwing a bottle of cola toward him “Don’t you dare sell your children pizza here!”.

Blitz opened the bottle with a nearby knife, gulping and finishing the tough piece. “Jackpot!” he refreshingly snapped his fingers before taking the scrambled egg and bacon sandwich and downing cola after a full piece in his mouth.

While the diner’s wallpaper partly catches ablaze from the Sinsmas circuit short and only a few tables remain untouched, Barb chattered about their high school life. “So, Barbie, how do you feel about being Blitzo’s sister?” he asked as he looked at Blitz under the disguise of a Korean teen-fashioned imp reaching his 16th piece.

Paused with an anxious expression, Barbie sweated as her eyes moved away from her talkmate. “Ha..” she chuckled with a slow, nervous tone “...I have learned he is the worst brother hell can offer to anyone!” she answered with a light smile while forcing her eyes to look at the toad sinner “...but running a losing rebellion? That makes him break the worst record he had made” she rubbed her temple with a free hand.

“Yeah…” The toad nodded sheepishly, lowering his head just before a bottle of pepper would hit his head. “Since his suicide was officially announced false, you look unease by that…” He raised his head upward as he quietly handed her a contract note “...if there is anything I can help, lemme know”.

Barbie gulped heavily, nodding lightly “...Yes, I thought I am free from that sh*t; a twin I wish I never had” She glared at Blitz while eating his 17th sandwich with a disgusted expression. “I know it’s him under that sh*tty disguise…” She pointed at him occupied with finishing a challenge “...I want him dead for real this time!” she growled, clenched her fist.

The toad man nodded, handing her a tiny bottle of brownish-crimson fluid. “This is the poison you may need- tasteless, strongly toxic, and impossible to be detoxicated” he suggested and put it into Barbie’s hand “I owed you, and I have paid for your kindness”.

Loona’s nose sniffed as she looked around “Damn. Something’s rotten around here…” she whined, looking at the mess as the diner had caught fire as the ceiling partly collapsed, cremating the fallen cooks and customers alike while Blitz finished the final piece; PBB&J toastie.

“I did it, Barb!” Blitz got up with his fist raised as he stepped over the table “I told ya I can do this!”. Maxxie clapped excitedly as Loona smiled lightly while clapping lightly, celebrating his victory. “Anyway…this place was this messy when we got in?” he asked, looking at his family and toad guest.

Parking a car in a housing estate’s parking lot, Barbie left her driver's seat while preparing her key. “Blitz, I will help you leave the seven rings by tomorrow” she promised while smirking lightly as she looked at her house. It was a two-story Dutch Colonial with a small garden with creepy chinaware gnomes and a gasoline fountain with roasted birds scattered around.

“I wish Fizz was here to see your success…” Blitz hopped out of the car, looking at Barbie’s house with a guilty smile“...I could not believe you will give me a second chance eventually” he patted Barb’s shoulder as Maxxie and Loona followed them into the building, carrying baggage.

Barbie opened the door, before an automatic cart drove toward her “Good afternoon, Ms.Wire.” it answered childishly, sliding to the new guests “It seems like you bring friends here today.” The LED with minimal 8-bit emoji expressed a friendly smile “Put your items on me. I don’t mind”.

“Thanks, what is your name?” Maxxie looked at the robot with gleaming eyes, quickly putting his bags on the trays as Loona looked at the machine with an awkward smile and confusion.

“My mistress names me Jey.” the cart answered cheerfully as it drove away after Loona put the last bag on it. Barbie returned with mugs of spiced warm cocoa in different colors “Hope you guys don’t mind some smokey chili and cinnamon” she mentioned while Loona's face winced as her nose got irritated that it got itchy inside. The green mug seemed to be the one spiced the most, yet, that stinging smell flowed from it alone.

Loona immediately grabbed a green one from the table, raising the mug before she faked a sneeze and dropped it on the floor. “S-sorry! It seems to like spicy chocolate and I don’t get along…” she chuckled sheepishly, subtly observing Barbie’s reaction.

“Yeah, she is a hellhound…that makes sense.” Blitz took a blue one, taking a gulp “Barb! That’s pretty kicking yet warm!” He complimented excitedly, taking a few more big gulps. Loona rolled her eyes before snapping her finger “Jey. Clean the mess” she commanded her assistance robot, staring at Loona with a frustrated glare.

The robot slid over the hot cocoa and broken mug mess, and vacuumed pieces of broken mug before putting a built-in mop to wash the mess. “So, Barbie…” Blitz finished his cocoa, putting his mug on the table while looking into her eyes “I am glad we are together again like a twin we always are…” he reached for her hand, patting its rear softly. “I am sorry for everything that happened that night…” he looked down, holding her hand as he sobbed “I am grateful you are willing to let me be part of your life again…” he wiped his tears off, smiling softly “Even for a day before I will sail to Jekked and start over”.

Barb was speechless for a moment before she smiled lightly “Just you’re staying here for a night is what I need” she replied, pulling her hand away from him. “This may sound weird but, wanna share a bedroom with me?” she asked after taking a deep breath “Since you won’t come back here forever,” she begged with puppy eyes, responding by Blitz’s nod.

“If ya don’t mind, may I tour around your…” Loona got up and looked across the room, preparing a reason “..little house, personally?” She chuckled timidly, looking at Maxxie and putting a handful of mini marshmallows into his half-filled light magenta mug.

Raising her eyebrows, Barbie stared at Loona on her face briefly, before nodding “Sure…your bedroom is over there, gotta let you know first” She pointed at the room attached to the understair with an expanded wall.

Loona got up quickly, reaching the second floor by the stairs “She is so fishy as heaven…” she mumbled as she slowed down, observing the hallway to find any clues. In front of her were only doors, paintings, and minimal light blue wallpaper.

She smelled the same perfume Barb sprayed on herself from the room opposite her, Loona rushed toward an unopened door while remaining quiet. She found a somewhat wide room with closets, bookcases, a TV, a computer desk, and a door for a personal bathroom.

Loona walked toward the desk by the book left opened with notes of molecular structures and photos of unusual herbs. “Mother of-” Loona exclaimed in her throat, seeing the words permanent organ failure , acute Intracerebral hemorrhage , toxified hemoglobin, and other medical terms referring to lethal conditions. She grabbed the book to see its cover before her eyes widened; with the black leather and sigil of Belphegor, the title said Hellborns-related Toxinology Encyclopedia .

“sh*t-!” She gasped before she shut her muzzle with her hands before she lost more words on her investigation. She noticed plastic packages of plant samples and vials of fluids each labeled with their origins and toxins they have. Alongside the sketch of ‘combination formulas’, Loona found half-life calculation sheets and required toxins to kill an adult slightly overweight male imp with stress issues.

Among the toxic schemes, she found a noted contact number for the local regiment police office and a wanted poster of Blitz; “Death or Alive ONLY”. Loona took her phone up, taking photos as proof of Barbie’s true agenda.

“Loona! Let’s watch some films!” Barbie shouted from the living room, pausing Loona for a brief moment before she moved out of her room and yelled back from the toilet’s door. “Sure! I am comin’!”

While the four sat together on a sofa, watching the movie on TV, Blitz rolled his eyes as she grabbed popcorn from a bowl. “Wait. That bald guy in a wheelchair could enter her mind all along?” He groaned, rolling his eyes with a sarcastic chuckle “Like, seriously, he should have done that as soon as she exploded one of your teammate’s brain!”

Barbie groaned in her throat “You guys have any idea how much pirated full MCU from Earth cost me?” she sighed, facepalming “Should have asked only for the Infinity Saga part…”

Maxxie tossed a popcorn up and attempted to catch it like Blitz did just to get popcorn dropped on his glasses. “Anyway, I remember Queen Stella’s former husband has his version of Darkhold-” he mentioned.

“Stolas” Blitz answered as his smile turned to grimace while getting his bag and looking for something “His name is Stolas, Maxxie”. He sighed before taking a deep breath as Loona grabbed a remote control to pause the movie.

While tears dropped from his eyes and his fingers pushed on his thighs “He trusted me to protect the grimoire…” Blitz sobbed as Maxxie reached his hand to him, and Loona patted his shoulder gently. Barbie got closer to him as she paused for a moment

“May you tell us where it is?” Barbie asked, looking into Blitz’s eyes as she pushed his chin upward.

Blitz took a deep breath, stopping his whine “Okay…” he got his phone out of his pocket and opened the downloaded voice message titled ‘The Last Thing I Need You to do’ from Stolas, 126 years ago. “Here’s the last message I got from him…a few hours before his death had been reported” he confessed before playing the record.

Blitz, I will be killed by Stella and her conspirators, and she got support from Mammon and another Sin. You, besides Octavia, are the only person I care about and trust. I have sent Grimoire to your house by magic and use my remaining stamina to grant Octavia an escape to Earth.

My last plea to you; hide Grimoire from them, don’t let them get it to open the gate to Earth. Octavia is the destined heir of my library, and only she can unlock it and let them find what the imposters need for the final phase!

Don’t come to save me! This is more than my life, and you must keep Octavia and the seven rings safe. Leave the Seven Rings if you must! Keep the Grimoire away!

A few minutes of drastic, incoherent wail. Stolas wiped her tears and mucus with a napkin before a deep inhale.

I love you, Blitz. Always remember that even I am gone.

The audio ended as Maxxie hugged him by his side and Loona on his shoulders. Blitz was overwhelmed and cried uncontrollably. “I failed him! I could not save the Seven Rings!” he whimpered, palm over his eyes.

Barbie sighed as she smiled a bit “So, is the Grimoire being with you?” she asked, putting her hand on Blitz’s forearm. “I want to see it for real. Once in my life…”.

Blitz nodded diffidently, pulling out the Grimoire that was kept in fine condition besides some dog ears and several post-its on different sections. “Here, Barb. The last material vestige of him to me…”

“I can do an illusion spell tho,” Blitz mentioned as he moved his fingers slowly in pattern, forming a magic-made transparent blue herd of mustangs trotted in the air. “I just tried a handful of them because I was bored.” she smiled and he found Barbie looking at it in awe.

As the twins spent their time watching magical speculation, Loona got up in the direction of the toilet but quickly switched to Barb’s bedroom.

Hearing a beeping from behind the door, Loona entered the bedroom and found her older phone with a scene saying ‘Your report and proofs have been accepted by the local authority. The Armed Police Force is approaching in 20 minutes.

“You scum bitch-” Loona groaned in her throat before recording a video of the app and Barbie’s reports. Her eyebrows tensed as she sweated, emotions overwhelmed from learning they had been contained in the domain of the schemer herself. She reached to take photos and the list of toxins Barbie prepared for the murder of her twin brother.


Barbie Wire kicked the door open, crossing her arms while staring at Loona in disappointment, yet calm and cautious. “Loona, You're gonna expose me to him, don’t you?” she asked, walking closer to her with a pistol in her hand. She grinned lightly as she offered another hand “We can clean your crime records and give you a better life, free from those losers.-”

“But he is your twin brother!” Loona yelled back as she put her phone back into a pocket, staring at Barb in an unbelieved loath and confusion. “Have you not moved on yet?! You get this high-end house! A job as Mammon’s casino manager!” She groaned as she clenched her fists, readying herself for a fight “And a respected status-”

Barbie raised her gun and pointed it at Loona “I won’t let him ruin me again” she was clenching her teeth. “Fizzaroli was dead because he trusted that trash imp!” Her eyes watered as she sobbed, a gun shaking in her hands as sorrow and anger rose inside her “Loona. You are better than this. You’re better than him!”

Loona paused as she took a deep inhale, lowering her fists. “Fizzaroli was killed by Mammon because he fought for the life of the one he loved!” She reminded Barbie as she lowered her tone, yet remained angry. She stepped closer toward the imp who lowered her gun, staring into her eyes “I'm gonna offer you two options; cancel the arrest and all those poison plans!, or I will make you.”

As a siren sounded from the front door, Barbie smirked in victory. “Your final chance for redemption is now” she offered before clicking a remote controller to open the door for them.

A dozen of gunned and speared officers entered the building with a few snipers prepared behind the line. Along with the chief officer was a lanky ol’ imp Phaelos, smirking as he prepared a screwdriver. Barb walked to witness the force from the window, smiling in relief and satisfaction “Loona, what is your-” Barbie Wire paused as she found Loona had left the room.

As Loona went downstairs, she found Maxxie and Blitzo surrounded by gunned officers as the one who seemed to be their leader smirked. “Blitzo, consider yourself lucky lady Stella wanted me to take you to her alive” She stared at Blitzo as he was confused about how the police got in without any sign of permission. “But for the boy, his uncle said we can blow his head off-”


A metallic object sounded from a kitchen like it was dropped from the ground, followed by similar noises. “You two go and check the kitchen!” The sheriff commanded, pointing at the trainees “The experienced ones will take care of them!”.

Thud! Shatter!

From the garden behind the house, heavy objects dropped on the fountain, the officers were disoriented before a drone moved toward them. “Hello, may I help you?”


“Orange Juice” Maxxie broke the silence, interrupting a confused officer “Make it twelve, for Auntie Barb, Blitzo, you nine, and I!” he chuckled awkwardly as he noticed Loona’s shadow moving toward the outdoor toilet “Concentrate one!”

“Is that a code or something?!” The sheriff yelled as she aimed at Maxxie’s forehead, glaring at him “Why should not I just blast your head off-”

“Sorry, Ms.Pleasley” Barbie rushed from downstairs with documents prepared in her hands “That drone is mine!” She informed the sheriff before handing her files and looked at Maxxie “For that brat, kill him somewhere else. I don’t want to clean off his splattered brain!”.

Blitzo stared at Barbie in confusion while the droid left for the kitchen “What are these all about?! Barb!” He looked at his twin sister with confusion and overwhelmed expression.

Barbie looked back at Blitzo in anger, slapping him on the cheek. “You think I really want you around?!” She glared into his eyes, enraged and clenching her fists. “After your fake death, I can start my life over and earn all of these!” She threw fist after fists at him while a grimace turned a satisfied grin. “Finally, now I know you won’t come back into my life! So I won’t end up like Fizz!” she threw the last punch on his right eye so heavy that the officer was shaken as well. “The most surprising thing about this?” She turned away from Blitzo his face bruised and swollen by all the punches he recently got “How you think I have, or even would ever, forgive you…” she snickered as Blitzo’s tears mixed with blood and soaked his chin.

“Here is your orange jui-”

Maxxie used a moment where the guard holding his wrists lost their focus, kicking him in the balls from behind before headbutting the robot to crash it with the guards.

“Shoot the boy!” the sheriff yelled as Maxxie dashed to handcuffed Blitzo and pushed him against the firing officers, causing a friendly fire while Blitzo got one on his forearm himself.

The guard tried to get off just to find themselves slipped over a mixture of orange juice and motor oil. “Fine! I'm gonna take care of this sh*t myself!” Barbie groaned as she went upstairs.

“Maxxie, you need some martial arts training for sure” he rolled his eyes as Maxxie picked up his handcuff while some of the police eventually got up and got their gun ready. “Anyway, where did you get that idea?”

Maxxie chuckled as the garage opened and Loona drove a car out of it quickly. “Hop in!” She yelled as the cops clumsily aimed and shot at the two imps before slipping again.

“Third Law of Newton, friction, and center of mass” Maxxie explained as he and Blitzo hopped in a car “A sinner who is a scientist gave a book to me” he shrugged. Before shutting the door.

As the car rushed out of the house and crashed the fence, Barbie got out of the building with a shotgun and rubbery boots. She shot behind the car rapidly until she ran out of bullets and saw her loathed brother driving away. “f*ck!” she threw her gun on the floor, throwing a tantrum “I will make sure you’re dead!”.

Phaelos, an old Imp in farming attire, put a hand on Barbie’s shoulder as he shook his head. “Girl, we gotta get some professionals and find their next destination” he suggested while looking down. “I know someone who may do that job tho-”

Under a few LED lanterns was a multiple-screen computer and a Kitsune in a black hoodie coding while a sleek-looking machine nearby booted its system. Her creamy yellow five tails with neon teal dyed on the end wagged as she listened to a lo-fi.

“Hibiki, I am back.” A light gray-furred Kitsune wearing a spandex ninja costume with thin plates and an Oni mask over her muzzle entered the room and handed her a bag full of bento and bagged snacks. “We get a new mission anyway” She handed her an unsealed letter with the name ‘ Stella G. ’ written on it.

A Kitsune in a visor over her eyes chuckled, pausing the program activation. “Thanks! You always know what my fav dinner is!” She took a bento with Pumpkin Korroke and a spicy curry logo on it. “So, our mistress wants us to hunt down her challengers again? Yuki” she smirked before swinging Kunai in her paws.

An older Kitsune nodded as she untied her seven smaller gray tails out of the rope and removed her mask. “Not any challengers, sister” she noted as she reached for a black katana with a flame pattern on it “The one killed our sensei during the rebellion-”.

“So, can I torture him for a weapon experiment?!” A nerd Kitsune hopped off her gamer chair, beaming in excitement as she rushed toward a pile of blueprints. “Now, let Okaasan undust you-”

“As much as I want that imp to be killed in agony, Hibiki” Yuki grabbed a pistol with the Japanese letter marked on it “So sensei’s honor will be restored and that scum will pay for his crime!”. She removed her shoulder plates and put them in a 3D scanner before activating a machine “But she demanded him be captured alive and fully conscious as we sent him to her court” She looked at the machine filling the crackles of her shoulder plates with a golden alloy.

Hibiki rolled her eyes and groaned before digging into her meal with chopsticks and a plastic spoon. “Fine. I'm gonna request her to finish that Blitzo himself tho." She put a mouthful of rice and curry into her mouth, looking at Yuki kneeling in front of the photo of a Tengu in Samurai armor holding a Yari.

“Sensei Taikomi” she whispered in front of the photo surrounded by flowers and lit candles, remaining calm while holding her shiver in her throat. “Your murderer will pay a price soon” She bowed slightly before getting.

“Let’s make him pay and repay for our lady’s generosity”

An Imp in the High Castle. - Chapter 4 - SiamesePhoenix (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.