Hilarious One-Liners and Puns for Wrestling Fans – Puns N Jokes (2024)

Get ready to unleash your inner wrestling fan with a collection of hilarious WWE jokes that will leave you laughing out loud. These jokes are sure to resonate with fans of all ages, whether you’re a die-hard wrestling enthusiast or just enjoy a good chuckle. From puns about your favorite wrestlers to witty one-liners about iconic WWE moments, these jokes are sure to entertain and amuse.

Whether you’re a fan of John Cena, The Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin, there’s a joke here for every wrestling aficionado. Dive into the world of sports entertainment with these rib-tickling puns and clever quips that celebrate the excitement and drama of WWE. So grab a seat, get ready to rumble, and enjoy a good laugh with these side-splitting WWE jokes.

Join in on the fun and share these jokes with your fellow wrestling fans to spread a little laughter and joy. These jokes are perfect for breaking the ice at a WWE watch party or simply brightening someone’s day with a dose of wrestling humor.
Hilarious One-Liners and Puns for Wrestling Fans – Puns N Jokes (1)

Best Wwe Jokes

Here’s five jokes about Wwe:

1. Why did the wrestler bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!
2. How does John Cena like his coffee? Decaf. You can’t see espresso!
3. Why did the wrestler wear a belt to the match? He heard championships are won by a waist!
4. What did the wrestler say when he lost his luggage? “Looks like my baggage claim just got denied!”
5. Why was the wrestler always calm during fights? Because he had excellent “Ring” control!

Family Friendly Wwe Jokes

Here’s some family friendly funny jokes about Wwe:

1. Why did the wrestler bring string to the match? So he could tie up his opponent!

2. How does a wrestler keep his breath fresh? He uses chokeholds!

3. Why did the wrestler go to the bank? To check out his savings account!

4. Why did the wrestler sit on the clock during the match? He wanted to be on top of his game!

5. What did the wrestler say to his opponent before the match? “I’m gonna drop you like a bad habit!”

6. Why did the wrestler bring a ladder to the match? He wanted to climb the ranks!

7. How did the wrestler fix his broken arm? With a “wrist” lock!

8. Why did the wrestler join a baking competition? He wanted to prove he was the best at “kneading” his opponents!

9. What did the wrestler say to his opponent who kept telling bad jokes? “I’m gonna make you tap out with laughter!”

10. Why did the wrestler bring a mirror to the match? So he could see a reflection of perfection!

11. How did the wrestler stay cool during the match? He had a fan in every corner of the ring!

12. Why did the wrestler wear a helmet to the match? He wanted to protect his “brainbuster” moves!

13. What did the wrestler say to his opponent who was a chef? “I’m gonna serve you a big helping of humble pie!”

14. Why did the wrestler have a map in the ring? He didn’t want to get “lost” in the match!

15. How did the wrestler get rid of his hiccups before the match? He hit himself with a suplex!

16. What did the wrestler say to the math teacher before the match? “I hope you can count to three for the pinfall!”

17. Why did the wrestler bring a deck of cards to the match? He wanted to shuffle his opponent’s plans!

18. How did the wrestler become a comedian? He had a killer sense of “punch”lines!

19. Why did the wrestler wear a cape to the match? He wanted to perform some “high-flying” moves!

20. What did the wrestler say to the barber before the match? “Give me a trim and I’ll give you a body slam!”

Wwe Jokes One-liners – Short Jokes

1. Why did the wrestler bring string to the ring? In case he needed to tie up his opponent.
2. Why did the wrestler go to the doctor? He had a splitting headlock.
3. Why did the wrestler sit on the clock during the match? He wanted to be on top of his time.
4. Why don’t wrestlers ever get lost? They always follow the “ring” road.
5. Why did the wrestler bring a ladder to the match? He heard it was a high-stakes fight.
6. Why did the wrestler wear a belt to the match? He wanted to hold up his pants while he threw down his opponent.
7. Why did the wrestler take a book to the ring? He wanted to make sure he knew all the “pinned” points.
8. Why don’t wrestlers ever make good servers? They can never handle the “chokeslam.”
9. Why did the wrestler become a chef? He heard he could really “grill” his opponents.
10. Why did the wrestler always win at poker? He had aces up his sleeve.
11. Why do wrestlers never need a map? They always know the “ropes” of the ring.
12. Why did the wrestler refuse to play hide and seek? He didn’t want to be caught in a “submission hold”.
13. Why did the wrestler bring a water gun to the match? He heard he might be in a “slobberknocker”.
14. Why did the wrestler wear sunglasses to the fight? He wanted to “shade” his eyes from victory.
15. Why don’t wrestlers ever go to the beach? They know they can’t “sand” losing.
16. Why did the wrestler bring a fan to the ring? He wanted to blow his opponent away.
17. Why did the wrestler bring a calculator to the match? He wanted to calculate his odds of winning.
18. Why did the wrestler break up with his girlfriend before the match? He didn’t want any “interference”.
19. Why don’t wrestlers ever play chess? They can’t handle all the “checkmates”.
20. Why did the wrestler bring a mirror to the match? He wanted to see who was going to be the champ.

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Wwe Dad Jokes

1. Why did the wrestler bring string to the WWE match? So he could tie up his opponent!
2. What did the wrestler say to the annoying fan? “You’re really getting on my ropes!”
3. I asked my dad if he’s going to watch the WWE match tonight. He said, “I’m not sure, I might just catch it on the flip side!”
4. How do wrestlers stay cool during a match? They have a “tag team” of fans!
5. Why was the wrestler always cold in the ring? Because he had too many “chill slams”!
6. I tried to wrestle with my dad, but he always puts me in a “dad-lock”!
7. Why did the wrestler bring a ladder to the match? He heard it was a “step ladder” match!
8. My dad thinks he’s a great wrestler because he can “pin” the blame on me for everything!
9. What do you call a wrestling match between two pigs? A “pork slam”!
10. Why did the wrestler wear sunglasses to the match? Because his future was too bright in the ring!
11. I told my dad I want to be a wrestler, and he said, “Sure, just remember to always be a ‘good sport’!”
12. What did the wrestler say when he lost his wallet at the WWE event? “Looks like I’ve been ‘money in the bank’ all along!”
13. I asked the wrestler if he wanted some popcorn during the match. He said, “No thanks, I’m on a ‘popped-collar’ diet!”
14. Why do wrestlers always bring a map to the match? So they can find their way to “Suplex City”!
15. My dad joined a wrestling team, but they kicked him out because he kept telling “dad jokes” in the ring!
16. What did the wrestler say to the angry fan? “Calm down, it’s just a ‘steel chair’-y situation!”
17. Why did the wrestler bring a broom to the WWE match? He heard it was going to be a “sweepstakes”!
18. I asked my dad if he likes watching WWE. He said, “It’s okay, but I prefer ‘punny’ events!”
19. My dad challenged me to a wrestling match, but I had to decline. I couldn’t handle his “dad strength”!
20. What do you get when you cross a WWE wrestler with a comedian? Pinned to the floor with laughter!

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Wwe Surreal Jokes

1. Why did the wrestler bring string to the match? In case he needed to tie up loose ends!

2. What do you call a wrestler who loves to garden? The Undertaker!

3. Why did the wrestler bring a ladder to the grocery store? He heard they had a high-stakes sale!

4. Did you hear about the wrestler who became a chef? He really knows how to lay the smackdown in the kitchen!

5. What did the wrestler say to the noisy engine? “You better quiet down before I give you a suplex!”

6. Why did the wrestler bring a pencil to the match? To draw some serious lines in the ring!

7. What do you call a wrestler who’s also a magician? Abracadaniel Bryan!

8. Why did the wrestler pack an umbrella for the match? Just in case it started raining chairs!

9. Did you hear about the wrestler who opened a bakery? His finisher move is the dough-knee drop!

10. Why did the wrestler bring a map to the match? He wanted to make sure he knew the right way to pin his opponent!

11. What do you call a wrestler who loves to knit? The Weave-olution!

12. Why did the wrestler wear sunglasses to the match? To keep an eye out for any shady moves!

13. Did you hear about the wrestler who started a pet grooming business? His specialty is the “Fur-macho Man” look!

14. Why did the wrestler bring a pillow to the match? To make sure he had a soft landing after body slamming his opponent!

15. What do you call a wrestler who’s a master of disguise? The Masked Superstar!

16. Why did the wrestler bring a deck of cards to the match? He wanted to shuffle his opponent’s chances of winning!

17. Did you hear about the wrestler who opened a taco truck? His finishing move is the “Taco Bell Clutch”!

18. Why did the wrestler bring a mirror to the match? So he could practice his winning poses!

19. What do you call a wrestler who loves to fish? The Angler Warrior!

20. Why did the wrestler bring a stopwatch to the match? To make sure his entrance was right on time!

Wwe Dark Humor Jokes

Here’s some funny Wwe jokes for adults:

1. Why did the wrestler bring string to the match? So he could tie up loose ends!
2. How does Vince McMahon like his steak done? RAW.
3. What’s a wrestler’s favorite type of music? Slam rock.
4. Why did the wrestler go to the bank? To make a quick deposit!
5. Why do wrestlers make terrible drivers? Because they always want to take things to the extreme!
6. What did the wrestler say to the dentist? “I toothfully challenge you to a match!”
7. Why did the wrestler always carry a map? In case he needed to hit someone with a folding chair!
8. Why did the wrestler join the gardening club? He heard they had a great submission hold!
9. How does a wrestler answer the phone? “Smackdown speaking!”
10. Why did the wrestler break up with his computer? It couldn’t handle his power slams!
11. Why don’t wrestlers ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when your theme song gives you away!
12. How do wrestlers stay cool in the summer? They always bring the heat in the ring!
13. Why did the wrestler bring a ladder to the barbeque? He heard there was a high stakes match happening!
14. How does a wrestler send a text message? With a strong connection and a finishing move!
15. Why don’t wrestlers trust stairs? They always prefer a high-flying entrance!
16. What did the wrestler say to his broken TV? “Looks like it couldn’t handle the drama of Monday Night Raw!”
17. Why did the wrestler always bring a pencil to the ring? In case he needed to take some notes on pain management!
18. Why did the wrestler become an artist? He loved to show off his signature moves!
19. How do wrestlers like their coffee? Grounded to a pulp!
20. Why did the wrestler go to the seafood buffet? He heard they had a great submission hold on the lobster!

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How to Use Wwe Jokes In a Conversation?

Incorporating WWE jokes into a conversation can be a fun way to add humor and spice up your interactions with friends or colleagues. Whether you are a wrestling fan or not, these jokes can be a great icebreaker and a clever way to connect with others through a shared interest. Below are some tips on how to effectively use WWE jokes in your conversations.

Know Your Audience

Before dropping a WWE joke into the conversation, make sure that the people you are talking to are familiar with wrestling and would appreciate the humor. It’s important to gauge the room and tailor your jokes accordingly to ensure that they land.

Use Catchphrases

One of the best ways to incorporate WWE humor is by using popular catchphrases from wrestlers. Whether it’s “Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?” or “Woooo!,” incorporating these iconic lines can instantly bring a smile to someone’s face and spark a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Create WWE Parodies

Get creative and come up with your own WWE parodies related to the conversation at hand. You can playfully mimic the exaggerated personas of wrestlers or spoof famous WWE storylines to add a comedic twist to your interactions.

Timing is Key

Like any joke, timing is crucial when it comes to WWE humor. Look for opportune moments to insert a wrestling reference or punchline into the conversation. Whether it’s during a lull in the discussion or when the topic naturally lends itself to a wrestling joke, make sure to pick your moment for maximum impact.

Embrace the Absurdity

WWE is known for its over-the-top theatrics and larger-than-life characters. Embrace the absurdity of wrestling storylines and personas when making jokes. The more you lean into the outrageous nature of WWE, the more entertaining and humorous your jokes will be.

By following these tips, you can seamlessly incorporate WWE jokes into your conversations and leave your audience entertained and amused. Whether you’re a die-hard wrestling fan or just looking to inject some fun into your interactions, these jokes are sure to be a hit.

Final words

In conclusion, WWE jokes hold a special place in the hearts of fans and wrestling enthusiasts worldwide. The comedic element injected into the world of professional wrestling brings a light-hearted and enjoyable aspect to the intense and dramatic matches seen in the ring. Whether it’s poking fun at iconic wrestlers or hilarious commentary moments, these jokes add a unique dimension to the WWE experience that fans love.

The clever wit and humorous observations found in WWE jokes showcase the creativity and talent of both writers and fans who keep the jokes alive. From sarcastic quips to playful jabs, the jokes serve as a form of entertainment that resonates with a wide audience. The ability to find humor in the larger-than-life personas and outrageous storylines of WWE only enhances the overall enjoyment of watching the sport.

Overall, the world of WWE jokes continues to thrive and entertain fans with its witty banter and humorous takes on the wrestling scene. As long as there are epic matches and memorable moments in the WWE universe, the supply of hillarious WWE jokes will remain plentiful for fans to enjoy.

Hilarious One-Liners and Puns for Wrestling Fans – Puns N Jokes (2024)


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