"In -friURSDAY MAY 22," 1969 AILYTOBUNESEYMOUR INDIANA a time set aiid each year to focus attention on the professionally qualified people I ff TV A 17 fC who hit, il rant, manage and appraito real property me Realtor. When you buy or liX IC IC Ijk ral proporty, you will always do bottor by doing business with on experienced and la 1-3 qualified member of your Jackson County Board of Realtors. 120-fORSALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY 120-FOR SALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY Hatlo's Thcyll Do It Every Time 125-FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE 126-FOR SALE AGRICULTURAL 127-FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i 444 YEHSLAGB 5 Rooms, uiiiiv ins hiruV i 1964 BEL AIR Chevrolet for CERTIFIED Wayne soybeans. llMSS CMA1C2 DCPAJtTMCJfr- 5 NOBLE STREET; rooms' 1 and path, 2 space heaters. FOR better cleaning, to keep colors gleaming, use Blue Rent, electric shampooer, $1.
Union Hardware Inc. :1 toraisduesssosseacwli Realtor, phone 522-4390. PROPERTY FOR SALE 803 S. O'BRIEN: 3 bedroom, heat, carpeted. Car -port and Aluminum storm, doors and windows.
Nice home. Roger Kilgas. phone 522-4300. TWO HOMES in Jonesville. Each 2 bedroom -homes and gas heat, new pole barn, concrete building.
FIVE ROOM, modern frame home, storm doors ana win- dows, full basement, oil furnace, plenty of water. 10 FOR SALE: Rebuilt lawn mowers, from $10 to $25. Will take old mower in trade. Phone 966-3702. FOR THE best in heating and cooling comfort buy Ameri can from Neawedde saies and Service.
Phone 522-3891. TWO YEAH old colt: Oliver 66 Row Crop Tractor. Call 522-3026, after 5:30. LAMP PARTS, and glass shades. Neawedde sales and South Walnut Street.
USED FACTORY steel sash. Approximately 5 x7'. Central Lumber, 8th and Pershing. 522-2326. MOBILE HOMES centrally air-conditioned.
Jim Mccoy. 522-6418. FOR SALE: Upright piano. $35. Phone 522-6535.
CONGOLEUM CushionOor: 12 font urido. 10' wide. 10x12' floor as low as $26.00. Install it yourself. Needs no glue, cut with scissors.
Beautiful, low maintenance, warm. Dun-lap's. 2nd and Park Streets, Seymour. Low Cash and Carry Prices. All kinds floor covering in stock.
FOB SALE: 327 Chevrolet en- Sne, 375 heads, 11 aluminum wheel. Scatter shield BeU Housing, 4:88 positraction for 16' CAMPING Trailer. Needs to be completed. Make offer. Phone 522-6683.
13' ARISTO camping trailer, sleeps 11x9 tent like new. 522-5724. ifOKMlCA CABINET Tops: Hackman's Cabinet Shop. Phone 522-4118. SAN MARZANO Tomatoes.
Brandywine, Beefsteak, Golden Jubilee, Oxheart. Pimlento. Mango, Hunkey and Banana peppers. Phillip's Greenhouse. AG LIME, fill dirt, crushed stone, sand and gravel.
R. Dale Gillaspy, Route 3. 522-5329. TWO WHEEL trailer for sale. 124 East Laurel Street.
FOR SALE: 7 hp. electric start Jacobson garden trac tor with 36" mower and 2 wheel tilt trailer. $275. Also 23" Admiral television, walnut cabinet, $65. Phone 522- 7170, after 4.
ENGRAVED PRINTED Wedding Invitations Marriage Announcements Reception Invitations Informals Thank You Notes PERSONALIZED Paper Napkins Matches Playing Cards Pencils SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE 1215 East Tipton St. GOOD USED 16' metal garage door, complete with hardware. Contact Farm Bureau Co-Op, John Scott. GUITAR AND amplifier. $75; scnwtnn lu-speed bicycle.
Phone 522-5128. 130-AUTOMOTIVE RENT OR LEASE NEED TRANSPORTATION? Rent a Hertz Car or truck from Brown Marathon. Tipton Si Broadway. Phone 522-4426. 140-PUBLIC SALES WE BUY, Sell and Trade at White Oak Auction.
3 miles South Junction 50, on 31. Every Saturday night at 7:30. Sunday at 1:30. Miscellaneous and Furniture old and new. Owners, Thurman and Katie Winburn, 522-6581.
BUI Prewitt, Auctioneer, 497-2316. RUSSELL McKJNNEY Auction eer. Call 342-3116. Columbus. Indiana, collect.
UNIONTOWN AUCTION Sale Sunday afternoon. 1:30 pjn. Auctioneers: Hubert Prine, phone 522-7036 and Tom Law-son, phone 445-3260. Auction service available for household and farm sales. LOOK Jonesville Auction has changed to Friday nights starting May 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Consignment accepted anytime. For pickup service, call owner, Richard Freeman. 522-3223. For complete auction service, call ui, Auctioneers, Hubert Prine, 522-7036; Tom Lawson, 522-3260. Call us before you sell.
161-IN MEMORIAM i nw BEDS. 124-FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD COMPLETE line of Philco ap pliances. Fenton Products, on the country uiud ttoaa. an-4493. SEWING MACHINE sales and service.
All models. Check our low prices. 22 years experience. Guaranteed repair service. Phone.
372-7823, Co lumbus, Indiana. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator for sale. Phone 522-3230. 40" GAS range, utility table. 6' steel wall and base cabinet unit.
Dinette set Phone 522-4445. GOOD USED Admiral Black and White console. Earry A merican. Excellent shape, Used RCA console with UHF. $35.00.
Goodyear Service Store, 110 west Tip ton, 522-1336. VACUUM CLEANER parts and service. Parts to fix Electro-lux. Filter Queen, etc. Nea- wedde's Sales Service.
408 South Walnut Street. ELECTRIC AND plumbing ser vice. Neawedde Sales ber vice. 522-3891. SUNDAY thru Wednesday Spe cial! 2-bit sale! While they last! Shirts, shoes, dresses, blouses, only 25c.
Townhouse Variety, Highway 50, next to Wells Equipment. SINGER 1968 WALNUT CABINET $36.29 FULL PRICE Just four months old. Assume six payments of $6.05 per month. Equipped to monogram, mend and darn, appli que, blind hemskirts, zig-zag etc. Call 522-5363.
COLOR TV: From $299.00. Fen ton Products, on the Coun try Club Road. 522-4493. MAYTAG AUTHORIZED Sales St Service. Cordes Hardware Seymour.
THREE-Diece sectional, port able television, 4-speed port able phonograph. 522-5414. HANNA'S husband Hector hates hard work so he cleans the rugs with Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer, $1.00 Cordes Hardware Company 125 FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE 1966 CHEVROLET ton pick up for sale with cab high camper cover- Call after 5:30 p.m. 522-5426. TRAVEL TRAILERS: Pickup campers, fold down trailers and truck bed covers.
New and used. Rentals. Hitches, brake controls sold and in stalled. Wiring, etc. Banner, LitUe Rebel, Appleby, Stutz Bearcat.
Coleman folddown trailers. Coleman Camping line. See our complete camp ing accessory department and camping supplies. Bill Stein's Trailer Sales and Servic Outdoor Camping Center, 105 Bruce Street. 522-1644.
Open seven days a week even late at night. New camping trail ers, start at $298.50. complete witn mattresses. BAIRD MOBILE HOMES THE BOSS IS AWAY Come see what wild deals we are giving. For example: New 60' 12 Wide 2 Br.
$4,795.00. We also have many other mobile homes te choose from. Including 2 doable wide nouses. BAIRD MOBILE HOMES SALEM, INDIANA Open I te Week Days 1 to Sunday Phone $83-2681 Salem. Indiana INEW AND Used travel trail ers for sale.
Pine View Trail er Sales. Phone 358-3247 Brownstown. TOR SALE: 1965 Mobile i home. 10x50. 2 bedroom.
$2,800 nt talro avm nivmanf I 30.2- pSEt71Tpmm4: IRON 123-FORSALE FARM LAND ACRES: 6 Rooms and bath, 3 rooms and bath. Both remodeled, good pasture and running water. Gas heat. 522-6808. MILES SOUTH of Wegan on blacktop road.
80 acres. 65 tillable. Has new Bedford stone home with 3 large bedrooms, large living room kitchen with built-ins, dining room, full basement. Carport. Also barn and 2 block buildings.
Immediate possession. Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. MILE WEST of Acme on Highway 58, 8 acres.
Home has 4 large rooms and bathroom with lav. tub. Closed back porch. Also 20x26 block barn. A building with cellar and work shed.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. GRASSY FORK 400 timber. Land lays S.W. of Tampico.
Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. 250 ACRE stock and grain farm. 180 tillable acres, some timber, two sets buildings, 2 wells, 8 ponds, "several rods new field fence, corn Dase, annrox.
S2.000 Der yr. Black top road. Priced for quick sale at only $264. per acre. $16,500 down.
5 percent in terest on balance. UNITED FARM Agency Salem, Indiana 883-3705 3 MILES Southwest of Free town. Highway 58, 217 acres, 137 tillable. 314 acre lake stocked with fish. Home, rooms and bath, chicken house 36x 105.
Good buy. Henry Krum me, Realtor. Phone 522 4366. THREE MILES Northeast 16.9 acres: room moaern nwirc, excellent condition. Gas fur nap, also Dole barn and far' rowing house.
Land all fenced. priced to sen. nenry iytuiu me, Realtor. Phone 522 4366. 4Vi MILES North.
2 Acres Bedford stone home. 5 rooms, IV bath, utility. Oil heat Garace. Immediate posses sion. Henry Krumme, Jr.
Phone 522-4366. TWO MILES SOUTHEAST OF Havden. 1 acre, Bedford stone, all electric 3 bedroom home. 2 years old. Henry Krumme, Realtor.
Phone 522-4366. SEVEN MILES SOUTHEAST .113 acres, 20 tillable, 3 room modern home. Barn. A real 1 lake site. Henry Krumme, Jr.
Realtor. Phone 522-4360. 124-FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FOR SALE: Wall plaques. 313 East Tipton Street Phone 522 7403. VINYL LATEX flat odorless naint.
cnlora. 12.05 Ballon Parker Furniture Store. 630 East Tipton. FOR SALE: Portable washer, wax buffer, sarmet reck, vanities, 3-way mirror, tele vision stand, tub. Reasonable.
522-1568, after 7 p.m. or week ends. FULL SIZE Sorinss and mat tress, $20. Can be seen, ajn. to 2 p.m.
Hilltop Trail er Park, Lot 62. STEREO. Complete assortment, Fenton Products, on the Coun try Club Road, 522-4493. USED conventional washers; also used garden tractors and lawn mowers, union Hardware, 116 South Chestnut KIRBY vacuum sales and ser vice. We repair all model vacuums.
Used vacuums $7.60 and up. Phone 372-7823. 318 6th Street, Columbus, indl ana. EXCELLENT, efficient, econom ical, Blue Lustre carpet clean er. Rent electric shampooer, $1.
W. C. Baldwin Drug Store. WALLPAPER Bargains. Park er's Furniture Store, 630 East Tipton.
VEW AND Used sewing ma chines and vacuum clean en. We repair all makes oaui, uiuity, garage all built-ins, aluminum sicM Immediate possession. Hen-! ry -Krumme, 1 pnone 022-4366. I 125 FRONTAGE, West Second oireet, commercial zone. 522-6272 or 522-6815.
433 HAWTHORNE COURT: Lovely Early American, 3 bed room brick, large living room, family room, carpeted. Kitchen with dining area, utili ty room, 2 ceramic baths, electric heat, air conditioned, large patio, attached 2 car garage. Lawn seeded with shrubbery. 2 blocks west of. High School.
Beldon Agency, 522-2654, Evenings. 522-5264 or 522-6051. 308 N. O'BRIEN: 5 rooms, bath. aluminum siding, storm doors ana windows.
Large lot. Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. TWO LOVELY 3 bedroom brick veneer homes; one with full basement, one with central air. Both homes are in extra good condition.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone '522-4366. 307 EAST LAUREL: Five room and bath. Space heater. Close to school and grocery.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. Frame 522-4366. 105 SOUTH PINE: New, electric heat, 2 bedroom. Good starter for young couple. Low down payment.
Balance on contract. 522-4698. 121-FOR SALE BROWNSTOWN PROPERTY TAVERN dolna good busi ness. A complete deal. Business and stock.
A real oppor- tor. Phone 522-4366. 122-FOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY THREE MILES SOUTH of Freetown. HiKhway 135, 5 acres, 5 rooms and bath, A soc Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366.
FREETOWN: 16 plus 24 block building, extra good condition. Can be used as business lot. 65 plus 165. Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366.
Stt MILES NORTH on Red ding Road, vi acre. 5 rooms, bath, utility, garage, gas furnace. Aluminum storm doors and windows. Home in ex cellent condition. Immediate possession.
Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. HAYDEN: Two 3 acres tracts of land northwest by the Me-, thodist Church. Henry Krum-i me.
Realtor. Phone 522-4366. pgR SALE: Summer home with ir acres on white River near Reddington. Phone 522-5741. FOR SALE: By owner, 3 bed-1 room home with carpeted and tiled floors, 2 full baths, central air conditioning, inter 2 car garage attached.
Located 2 miles north of Scottsburg on Highway 31. Phone 794-7701. THREE MILES SOUTHWEST of Cortland: acre. Home has 5 rooms, bath, basement, Dorch. new gas furnace, also garage, and small barn.
Hen ry Krumme, neauor. Phone 522-4366. UNIONTOWN: Corner of 250 and 31 Highways. 2 Large lots, 8 room home. Also 2-3 room cottage and one small cottage.
Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. gas REDDING ROAD: Brick veneer, 3 bedrooms, IV baths, kitchen. aU built-ins.
Utility, garage. Lot 100x200. Home like new. Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366.
TWO MILES west on Highway 50. New brick veneer, 4 bed-" rooms, living, family kitchen wltn.aii ouunns. Double garage. Paved driveway. Home ready to move into.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4300. CLEARVIEW ADDITION: New Bedford Stone, 3 bedrooms, IV baths, kitchen with all built-ins. Garage. Immediate possession.
Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. (TWO MILES North of 50 on Road 135: 2 acres, Home has 2 bedrooms, utility, bath, kitchen, living room with wall-to-wall carpet carport also garage and one out building. Nice place.
Phone 358-2493. JENNINGS Co. Between Cro- thersville and Seymour, like new 3 bedroom home on 5 acres, with pond. 793-3292. $15,500.
SEVEN miles North of North1 Vernon. Green Acres, 44 acre, brick veneer, all electric, 5. rooms, 2 baths, double garage. Good buy. immediate posses sion.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. 123-FOR SALE FARMLAND VALLONIA: On Lake Road. 1 I acre lots. These are good building lots.
Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. 2Vt MILE3 W. of Freetown, Z.Z5U- acres on top or nui. Small home and barn.
Hen-' -nr KrummeJr 4 3 44 we nvan MOST FOR PLUSH PADS 125-FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE DUNE BUGGY bodys and accessories (Metal flake) 00. Seat Cover Kenny, 24th and Cherry. Columbus, In diana, 3724923. FOR SALE or trade: 1968 ord Galaxie XL. fastback.
4-speed, bucket seats, 390 motor, inquire 144U North Q'Brien. FOR SALE: Two and three cesucedWurto" Fj bedroom mobile homes. Pn 5,000 Top Value Stamps. Hilltop Trailer Park Si Sales, 115 South Bnen, beymour. NEW MERCURY TRADE-INS 1967 Thunderbird, air cond.
1967 Pontiac 4 dr. air cond. 'I 1966 Ford, 2 dr. HT. air cond.
1965 Comet, 4 door. 1965 Oldsmobile. 4 dr. A.C. 1965 Plymouth.
2 door. 1964 Mercury 4 air cond. 1964 Mercury. 2 dr. H.
T. 1964 Pontiac Station Wagon. 1964 Pontiac 2 dr. H. T.
Grand Prix. NO DOWN PAYMENT 1963 Chevy II. 4 door 1963 Mercury Station Wagon 1963 Chevrolet, 4 door. 1963 Ford, 4 door. 1963 Ford convertible 1963 Comet convertible.
1962 Mercury, 4 door. 1962 Chrysler, 4 door. 1958 Ford Pick-Up 1953 Chevrolet 2-ton truck. STERLING AUTO SALES Highway 50, West 522-2696 ALL TRAILER accessories for sale. Everything you need.
Also hitches sold and installed. Check my price, before you buy. Pine View Trailer Sales. 358-3247. FOR SALE: 1968 Impala Chev rolet, 4 door, sedan, low mileage.
Perfect condition, warranty. Phone 522-2783. SOMETHING WONDERFUL HAPPENS When you shop Don Morris' Used Car Lot. Youll find Price PLUS Dependability, Quality and Service. Come in and we'll show you what we mean.
I 1968 LTD 4DR HT V-8 AUTO PS PB AC FULL POWER 1968 GAL. 2HT V-8 AUTO PS PB 1966 CADILLAC 4HT FULL POWER AC 1968 CHEV. 2HT V-8 AUTO PS PB AC 1968 GAL. CONV. V-8 AUTO PSPB Please Ask For One Of Our Friendly Sales Representatives.
Luther Steltenpohl Earl Steltenpohl Delmar Pollert John Robbini Bill Barlow OPEN EVENINGS Except Wed. and Sat DON MORRIS FORD "House of Service" 1209 East Tipton Hwy. 50 East Phone 5ZZ-41I7 1955 FORD race car, also 2 wheel trailer. Spraytown, 497-3243. 1947 SPORTS Fury: 2.
1957 Chevrolet. Phone 522-4660. FOR SALE 1966 Honda 50 cc. 522-2770. FOE SALE; 1961 Chevrolet 622-6683.
Hl irrnmTJHTnt iiiiiihgaiBiiaiiiii iwi.uMWiiinW I 8' sale. Call Mr- Stanley Adams, S2ZVS3Z0 or 3ZZ-03S1, 1953 FORD Pick-up, $175. Phone 5224129, after 4. DAin.LT OIUDllili nuiimi icu- sest selection oi new ana used mobile homes in South ern Indiana. Highway 56 60 West.
Open, 8:00 to 8:00 Weekdays. 1:00 to 6:00 Sun days. Phone 883-3681, Salem, Indiana FOR SALE: 1967 Ford con vertible Galaxie 500. Automat ic transmission, power steer- inn and brakes, new tires, low mileage. $1,900.
Call af ter 5 p.m., 522-1649. ALLMAN MOBILE HOMES Prices reduced on all mobile homes. Save up to $500.00. on 2. and 3 bedroom homes.
ALLMAN MOBILE HOMES Brownstown, Indiana 358-2805 FOR SALE: 35x8 Ritz Craft trailer. Phone CAMPER for l-ieetsiae nirkim See after or on Saturday. 522-1791. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN'S: Sell or trade. Bank rate financing.
Bircher and Hamilton Volks wagen, Madison, 273-3164. 126-FOR SALE AGRICULTURAL REGISTERED Stud Service: Quarter horse and Appaloosa. See colts by both. 522-4055. SADDLES and' Western Wear The Country Saddlery, U.
S. 31, at Reddington. OB THOSE bales in Jjetter shaoe with a New Holland Hayliner 273. Twine or wire tie: eneine drive. Be sure 10 tV fnr New Holland.
First in the automatic baler busi- ness! First in dependaouity ano economy. uuwi-cine. Well trade any Rood farm eauiDment! Pardieck Sales and Service, 708 West Tipton FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTORS M-F65 Farmall 504 Farmall Farmall 460 Two No. 88 Farmall 400 Ford 8-N Farmall 560 Farmall 400 Farmall 656 point hitch Oliver Tractors 860 Ford with Loader. equipment-no.
80 Combine IH 303 Combine with 12' platform and two row corn head. "IH 37 Wheel Disk 28 blades Oliver Disk 40 blades JD Wheel Disc, 36 Blades JD 5-14 Plow Semi-mounted with cylinder Oliver 3-14 Plow 311 Plow IH Spring Tooth Harrow, Kewanee Wing type disk 13x7 Co-Op Grain Drill 12 13" No. 449 Planter Sickle Bar Mower for Cut tractor. TIMPERMAN SALES SERVICE Randall Lucas B'town 358-3794 U. S.
50 West 522-5288 FOR SALE: 1953 NAA Ford Tractor with plow and mowing machine. Melvin Juett, 5 miles east of Uniontown. TWO POLLED Hereford bulls. 8 months old. 497-2364.
POLE BARN Materials: and treated poles. 2" 6" treated, metal roofing and siding. In stock for fast delivery or save on Cash and Carry prices. Dunlap's, 2nd and Park Streets. Seymour, 522-1823.
FOR SALE: Berkshire Boars. Virgil Klosterman, Koute j.i Seymour, 522-4173. i 24 WEANLING pigs. Phone 522-2000 after 5:30 p.m. USED EQUIPMENT.
Massey Ferguson 65 Gas, tractor Oliver Super 55 tractor W. D. Aliis Chalmers Trac- i tor and 3-14" Plow Ferguson 30 tractor. Massey Ferguson 180 DSL. with 800 hours.
Oliver No. 620 pickup baler 1HC No. 46 pickup baler New Idea rake 2 years old. I.H.C. Hay conditionecgoooV- Massey Ferguson 3U0 com Dine with corn head.
John Deere 40 combine. I C. 303 combine and enrn head. 1 vear old. Hansen weed sprayer with 200 gal.
fiberglass tank. 11 ft. Kewannee wheel disc like new. 9 Ft. Oliver wheel disc.
CORDES HARDWARE INC. Indiana Phone 522.3918 or 522-1701, evenings FOR SALEr 65 head Feeder pigs. Scipio, 392-2599. WE RENT Hay conditioners, brush discs, bulldozers, loaders, posthole diggers, dirt pans, brush-hogs, air compressors. WeBs Equipment, authorized Case Implement Dealer, Highway 50, Browns-' town, fnext to Townhouse).
Phone 358-4906 or 358-3837. 10 Cleaned and bagged, per bushel. George EL. Cor- -yanmie wortn of comnus-key Road, on Highway 3. Phone 346-2740.
USED EQUIPMENT John Deere 720 Diesel tractor IHC14ft.Disc. 1-550 Cockshutt 1-IHC 4 bottom plow WD494-A Planter I-KBA 8' disk Wheel 1-9 wheel disk 1-IHC 503 combine with corn head 1-MH 92 combine 1-JD 30 combine Used Lawn Garden Tools HP. Sears riding mower BROWNING BROS. West Second Street Road Seymour, Indiana Phone 522-1922 Choose From The Long Green Line It's a mighty fine Une for '69 FOR SALE: Full stock York shire boars, Service age. Call after 5, 358-2346, Keith Sew-ell.
POLLED Hereford registered bulls. Various aces. Claude Keller, five miles east of Uniontown on State Road 250. 17 HEAD of feeder steers. Ap proximately 600 lbs.
each Phone 522-2054. USED MACHINERY 1968 Oliver 1650 Diesel Trac tor i less than 200 hours) 'Ford 4000 Diesel Tractor Mg Oliver 1850HC Tractor John Deere F145H Five 16 semi -mounted plow. 1961 MF 65 Tractor and Cul tivator Case Rotary Mower Oliver 252 Wheel Disc Harrow AC 4 Row Planter 1967 Oliver 535 Combine with corn head. JD 42 Combine MF 82 Combine I.H.C. No.
46 12-ft. 6 inch Disc Harrow. Deere Soreader New Idea No. 12A Spreader Midwest 4 bottom plow har row. JACKSON COUNTY FARM BUREAU CO-OP Farm Implement Department FOR SALE: T-33 4-can electric milk cooler and one unit milker.
522-3968. 12 HOLSTON Feeders, weighing approximately 400 2 White face cows! 2 calves. 794-3426. JOHN DEERE: 7-30 Diesel Tractor. William Carraco.
Prospect. Kentucky, 228-1111. 127-FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOME GROWN vegetable plants. Cook's Green House, 1016 Ewing Street. Seymour, MOBILE HOME roofs coated.
Jim McCoy. 522-6418. HAVE COLLECTION of 10 models of 37 Redletter Winchester: also-'two 97 Win chesters. Call Glenn Marcum, Reddington. 445-3445.
ALMOST NEW Arlco welding outfit. $75. Phone 522-6683. FOR SALE: Hybrid Iris. Call on weekends or before 3 pjn.
522-1672. CRUSHED STONE, sand, top soil, fill dirt Steve GUI, 314 E. 7th, 522-2947. FOR SALE: Baler Twine, World's Best See us before you buy. Pardieck Sales Service, West Tipton Street.
WEDDING INVITATIONS Thermographed Engraved Printed Many styles from which to choose. Let us help you. SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE 1215 East Tipton St. FOR SALE: beef. halves or quarters.
Law rence Kruse, 522-5565. REMINGTON 5 11 A 22 call ber rifle. $30. Coldspot re frigerator, $25. 358-3405.
STOCK RACK for narrow body ton pickup. 522-7574. FOR SALE: Bolens Garden tractor with disc, mower, and cultivators. ton pick' up bed. 750 new bricks.
Speed Queen washers. Sonny Tim bers, Route Seymour. FOR SALE: Conn alto saxophone and Kalamaaoo elec tric guitar with amplifier, Both like new. 445-3482, af ter6pm. FOR SALE: Pink, size 9 and size 11 formats.
322- 7. I I lots 80x126 each in Clear-spring. V. 40 ACRFvtt) land, 5 miles west of 653 EAST 15TH 3 bed-Tm home, 1V4 baths, alum. siding, full basement, kit- chen and living room car- peted, gas furnace, large lot, beautiful landscaping.
FIVE ROOM home, new furnace, alum, siding, double, garage. Excellent location. 627 West Second Street. 1309 EW1 SOLD Room home. TWO BEDROOM home with utility room and bath.
Kitchen carpeted. Plenty closet space, 12x18 living room, 2 Mi acres, miles North of Junction 31 50. TWO BEDROOM, frame house at Vallonia. Bath, Vt acre. Gas heat.
Outside buildings. FIVE One-acre lots. One acre with house. 9 miles SE of Seymour. ROGER KILGAS REAL ESTATE AND AUCTIONEER R.
R. 3. Seymour. Indiana 5224300 217 NORTH Lynn Street: 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1V6 baths, basement, 2 one4on air conditioning units, wall-to-wall carpeting, garage. Corner' lot.
10 bearing apple, peach and cherry trees. Buyer can assume balance of GI loan at 4V4 percent. Troy D. Hill. Phone 522-5067.
DEAR JOHN: YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU, BUT WE NEED A BIGGER HOME. LOVE, MARY NEW LISTING: 607 E. 6TH 4 2 story home, ideal for growing family. Large garden plot, garage. Close to school, grocery and park.
Only $11,800.00. MEW LISTING: COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN BROWNS-. TOWN. Ideal corner site, with heavy traffic. Lot size 150x150 ft.
Inquire at office for details. 1549 W. SECOND 3 stone ranch, with full. dry basement, gas furn, air I in liv. carpet inlaid.
Large Mt acre lot for 'the kids, MAKE A REASON ABLE OFFER. NORTHWEST OF' SEYMOUR: All new home, hdwd. floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, utility area, garbage disposal and range in kit. Here is a home you can move right into. 2 car carport and extra large lot.
SOUTH ON 31: 3 stone ranch, ail carpet hd- Wd. floors, lovely stone fireplace in liv. room, utility room, and att. garage. Buy with 2.8 acres or 50.8 acres.
CORTLAND: 2 ranch stone, utility room, built-in kit, carport. Garden space: LITTLE ACRES: IV story asb. sided home, corner lot, basement, carpet Si hdwd. floors, gas furn. with carport and shade trees.
831 S. POPLAR: 2 bedroom home, modern, gas space heat, garage. Priced low. 24 N. PINE: 3 2 story, home, remodeled, carpeted, gas; full IV baths form.
din. room, new kit. 23 OESTING IV story, 3 bedroom home, very compact, full gas with garage. Low cost home' for growing family. 602 604 S.
LYNW: ESTATE PROPERTY: Buy both homes, and live in a lovely 3 bedrm. IV baths, big kitchen with! oodles of cabinets, full base, with fireplace at 604 and rent the Duplex at 602. Let the rent make the payment on your investment. 200 E. LAUREL Need lots of room at a low price? Here is a 2 story home, 2 full; baths, new gas 5 bed- rooms.
Needs T. L. C. Priced' right for a growing family. Only $9,800.
226 KESSLER 4 bedrm. home with new family room and fireplace in lovely paneled fain, basement gas and garage. Corner lot In a choice location. 2107 HILLSIDE Beautiful 3 bedrm. brick ranch, carpet hdwd.
floors, 2 full baths, basement family room, gas built-ins in kit and att. 2 car zforw.e HARRISON Here is a beautiful home, stone and redwood. 3 bedroom. IV hatha, caroet St hdwd. floors, ni built-in oven and! range, and att garage.
Sey mour I finest location, unvr by and fall in love. MILT POLLERT REALTOR 404 N. Chestnut Street 5JWlltor52M844 "Pick" Dixon, S22-8M4 I OUR 11th YEA OF SERVICE i 727 CENTENNIAL STREET: 1 rooms and bath. Suitable for dupleavPhonav 522-4284, after SANFORD DEAN: In memory of our Husband and Father. Sanford who passed away, May 22, 1968.
In our hearts your memory lingers. Always tender, fond and truer -There is not a day, dear one, We do not think of you. rmr. Phone 5224366. o..