The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2025)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1924 nniHiMMiMiuu 1 i rr''n'j ii I I I nil in iiiiiiH i mi nil rltitiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiia llliumiiaiiiir ailllliltllliltlUiiHUUIIilillllillMliUIIIUIIililllilllllllllllllllllliii PERSONAL Time Counts FALL HATS -FALL CAPS raffle niiiiiiiuijs of Bedford, friends here Sunday. John Colvinr of Ixuisvillpr the week-end here on business. 'The New Th BAST with It extra Inrgn tub waihes nlmont an maay rlntliew ut a thua-a-auiaji ml SubIihik. lt tfnn Iroutor bnlln tho whl to I'lulhcu. hilu.

washlnir them Havlnij no much Utile. The BAIT la' quickly cluanetb ImvtjiK ii ccirncPe or If time countu, the BAST I 0e waiy'iur you. will buy! Bacon Electric Co. Frank Gardner, of Indianapolis, snent Sundav here the guest of friends. C.

Enrle' is "upending Tglophone tin Inimn 'ilrnmnslTathm. week's vacation in Tipton county tew JTortn Ctaaatnnt Street. Telaphone Mala 663. TOOT Li i and Indianapolis. ALL-WOOL 1 2-Piece SUITS Miss Anna Zimmerman was the week end guest Npf Miss Myrtle Mr.

and-Mrs. Sherman Day A Special Hat for Early Fall Bartlctt at Bedford. family drove to Franklin, Saturday afternoon and spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barriger, North Chestnut, street, are visiting MADE TO ORDER Coldrs: Medium Brown, Powder Blue and Pearl with Black frlendJin Indianapolis.

Louis Eckstein has gone to Indi anapolis to visit his brother, Wil liani and family. with their "daughter," Mrs. V. C. Miss EliEabeth Dettmer, who has been: visiting Mr.

ands Mrs. John Dcttmer and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wliite, has returned to her; home in Jeflfcrsonyille. Misxes Margaret and Lillian' Dor- Mr.

anfl Mrs. Owen Muhorney, of Louisville, are visiting Miss Edna who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Duttmcr, Elm Elliott, East Second street. Miss Sarah Lindsey, of Canton, Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs.

E. B. North Broadway. Miss Wanita Matlock, of Mcdorn, is visiting her cousin, Miss Kathryn James, North Ewinte street. street, have returned to their homo in Jeffersonville.

Mrs. William Rebber returned home Saturdav after several weeks visit with relatives-and friends in siyhW HI i IllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIM Noell went to Madison this moniing on Mrs. Bertha Smith, Freetown, was here shopping today. Mrs. M.

J. Fox went to North Vernon this morning to spend the duy. Mr. tin Mrs. Glen S.wengel were guests of Mis.

('. 0. Burrigtr nt Columbus TMiss Frances Teckenieyer is spending the week with Mrs; R. J. Sunders at Washington.

and Mrs John Hettmer unit son, Avery, fpent the week-end in Jcffcrsonvilln with friends, and Mrs. Frank Sivengel and family spent the guests of their diuughter, Mrs. G. C. Barriger, at Columbus.

a Mrs. Archie Atlun'is and daughters," Marie i nd spent Sunday the guests of Mrs. Ilofa' llcalh, of the city. visiting Ji is grandfather, the ll.i Pierson, southeast of city, fias returned to liis home in Indianapolis. Mrs.

Homer Perry and dar.ulitci Minnie Eleanor, of Iiidiiinapolis, uie' (he guests of Mrs. Pern's jiu rents, Mr. and Mrs. Fsunk "Swrngcl, ot Farmington. and Mrs.

William SclieiireVk Cincinnati. Newport. Ky.i and Cross Plains, Ind. Little Misses June, Marie, Laura, Lola and Thomasine Tiison, of a A DEMAND Franklin, are visiting their grund- Mr. and Mrs.

J. Rnssell Mitchell aqd little daughter, Betty, drove to Salem Sunday, and spent the day. Mr; and Mrs. Andrew Phillips and daughter, Helen, returned Saturday from a two weeks' trip to Mattoon, 111. Mr.

and Mrsvs Harry Nutter and Mrs. Alonzo Nutter drove to Indianapolis this morning to spend the day. M. J. Seibert, of Cincinnati, spent the week end here with his mother, narenta.

Mr. and Day for the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. T.

W. Howser and Special Prices family, of Frankfort, are here on several visit wnn jvir. Eastern Coal On WofUTi Beat Took Ilowser's sisters, Mrs. Will Horn-buck and Mrs. Guy Robertson.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. John, Miss a Mrs.

Frances Seibertj of the County line. John- Dorman, Ti'ho has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Joe White, has returned to his" home in Jeff .25 Sarah Lindsey, of Cuntoti, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. I Day and sons, O.

Jack, and Hugh Allen, drove to Full Suits-S29 I Excellent Workmanship I Rich, High Class Fabrics I Perfect Fit Guaranteed lliijharts. Moonshine Eastern Kentucky-Elkhorn Lump Coal. 2,000 lb. Arrive This Week Genuine Island Creek Lump Coal. 2,000 lb.

ton French Lick Sunday and spent the ersonyille. Mrs'; Ernest Medlock and son, day. $6.25 and daughter, Lucille, Mrs. Ma Tammany, of St. Loiuis, and C.

E. Edmohdson and sous, JIaroId, of Little Rock, are Miss A nun Holland Carter have re- Frank and Tommy have returned Over 100,000 people have testified that TAN LAC 1 has relieved them of; Stomach Rheumatism, Hal-Nutrition, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Weight, Torpid Liver or Constipation. "Ask Anyone Who Has Taken TANLAC. OYER 4 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD ft Sale By AS Geai DnwtMa the guests of Mn and Mrs. Joe Ilirtzel, Sr.

turiied from a visit to Maniniotli from a ten days' tour of the east, Tk above coal Si ae rood coal ai mined low white Wo cMnkera and chock fall of heat. Bay now and Bare a "Dollar" a ton within four weeka. WB SELL rOB CASH la where tha difference la in price. Miss Louise' Strosnider, of Cin Cave, Ky, cinnati, Ohio, will arrive tomorrow visiting at Washington, v. L.t Philadelphia, and other pluces of interest.

for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Z. G. Waters. Miss Esther spent" thewei'k AUGUST SPECIALS end in-this-city-with- her irent, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Short. Yes Mr. and Mrs. James Shank, of Indianapolis, spent the day with Mr.

and Mrs. T. J. Sweany, West terday she attended a cubin party ON -IJI- -r Sixth street. given Dy juiss wynre- jjarueu ai Mrs.

Charles Maurley and son, Bedford. Dale, returned this morning from Miss Margafet' Fox has gone to spending the week-end with jelu- Chicago, here she will bV the To Enlarge Tract lives in Mitchell. By International News Service. North Webster, Aug. Miss Mary White 'has returned guest of Mr.

arid 'Mrsrilawddj Meyer. Mrs. Meyer was before her marriage, Miss Paulino Mcranda, of Now $90.60 from spending several weeks at In NEW LOW PRICES ON OllR ENTIRE LINE OF TIRES and TUBES this city. The 100 acre tract on the banks of Webster Lake acquired by the Ep worth LengUe of Ihe North Indiana Regular price Free Electric pesk Type. W25.00 Free Cabinet Type.

85.0() Free 0-drawer 75.00 Hlnger WWO-drnwer 84.00 Singer 127 5-drnwer 78.00 Mrs. Medora Cooper and grand- dianapolis attending Madame Blaker's School. Charles L. Kysaf' and family drove to Anderson Monday niorning daughtersj Misses Elsie and 65.00 60.00 55.00 52.00 AT Thompson, of O.i aro 30x3 Clincher Oldfield Fabric Z0x3y2 Clincher Oldfield Cord to visit relatives and will return Clincher; Oldfield Fabric $7.50 Tuesday Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, is to be enlarged by the purchase of (50 more acres (f ground. Annual summer institutes of the Epworth League in the conference will be hejd on the grounds.

WD ALSO HAVE SRVf'ItAL USED MACHINES ATTRACTIVE I'RICES Mr. and Mjs. O. M. Hopkins, of piuests of Mrs.

Cooper's brother, the Kev. T. C. Smith and wife, for a few days. 4 Miss Betty Collins, who has been a guest at the.

liome Mr. and Mrs." Elmer C. Bollinger, North Wal $6.50 $9.55 North Vernon, were guests of Mrs, Cora. Patrick, North Walnut street OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION. SPECIAL oyer the week end.

Fine Duroc Litter. InternationaJ Newa bervlce. nut street, for several days, re Mr. and Mrs. Freemont Reed left Needles.

Belts and supplies for nil makes of sewing machines. Heidemann'sFurniture Store By turned to her home in Cincinnati, yesterday morning for Chicago, 111., this morning. FIVE 33x4y2 GOODYEAR CORDS, SLIGHTLY USED. VERY LOW PRICE. WILLIAMS GARAGE where they will visit their son, Dun can Reed and family.

Charles Maple left today for Bloomington where he will reenter 212-214 South Chestnut Street Martinsville, Aug. 25. Robert Cramer, son of Gilpin Cramer, near pure bred Duroc pigs 180 days old which weigh 243 pounds apiece, off an average. Mn and Mrsr Garnet Greemanr of Indiana lie was accom IJrbana, 111., were called here Sat panied'by his mother, Mrs. Ed urday because of the death of the Hancock, who will spend severa late Kenneth Greeman.

davs there. Mr. and Mrs; Glen Prall, of Law Mrs. Louise Seibert and A. J.

Sei- renceburg, were the guests of "Mr. Add Your To Income and Mrs. Walter Prall and Mrs." PEC I A FARES- TO beYt, of t'jic County line, Mr. and Mrs, Sarah Pfaffenberger llenrx Cobb, southeast of the city, Mrs. Lilly Gibson and' son, Ray We Are Still Irc and Mrs.

Ross J. Perry; of mond, of Indianapolis, motored To Cincinnati, are the guests of HENRYVILLE ACCOUNT Mrs. Perry's, mother, Mrs. Otto Madison yesterday and spent the Hartruan, East Second street. lay.

Mrs. Kate Gray and-son, Vivian Masrer nomer hort, wuo lias teen visiting his sister. Miss Esther with Safety Gray and wile, of eMorcfield, lnd HOME GOING DAY near Yevay, drove here yesterday Short, at Indianapolis for the past and spent the day the guests of Mrs. Gray's sister, Mrs. Flora Heath, near, northeast of $1.40 Round Trip TAX FREE week, returned qoine Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBar'and son, Findley, of Columbus, were guests of Mr. and -Mrs. Walter Prall, East Sixth street Sunday.

Morton Bonham, who has been the city;" Mr. arid Mrs. George E. Days, of Tickets Good Going August 27 and 28, Returning August 29. For Further Information see Local Agent.

Louisville, Ky.i are the auests of M- i. Him i'ti m. w. tf n. jvi tss I visiting liis Mrs.

J. C. a Katueruic Days, who has tieen INTESTATE PUBLIC SERVICE CO. SellingAll Suminei (boods I I At Greatly I Reduced I 1 Prices! I spending tho summer here with her aunt, will return to louisville with them and "re-entervsehool. Griffith, North Chestnst street, has returned to his home in Elwood.

Mrs. Mary Wiggington and daughter, Iirisvof Louis are here visiting Wiggingtou's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ioe Stein. Mrs.

George Brocker, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Morton of If you bold low yield Securities or early maturing. Bonds, now is the logical," ideal time to exchange them for Securities which will add to your income and protect yon against the coming decline in interest rate without in any way impairing th essential safety of your principal 'Burlington, Vermont, who have been visiting Mrs. Johnson's parents.

Mr. and Mrs George A. Clark, North. Chestnut street, have gone to Garnet Greeman, of Urbana, 111., has Bellefontaine Ohio, where they will returned to her home in this city. Miss Elva Carter, who has been IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? visit Mr.

Johnson's parents. ATn Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Ross an INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT Interstate Public Service Co. attending summer school at Madame Blacker's, Indianapolis, is honied to spent the remainder- of the summer.

L. W. NICHOLS. 77 Mfr, Investment Dept. I.

L. FROST, Gen. Manager Misses Miriam Rinne "arid Iner. sons, i iiat'U's and uonuui, airs. Kate Blunicr und and Mrs.

Thomas E. Ross and sons, Howard, Leland and Lawrence motored to i Terre Haute today to visit relatives. They 1 All Summer Dresses at e3 and Letha Downey and Messrs. Paul Calhoun, William O. Loughlin and Price! will also visit at Charleston," III SOUR MONEY is safe fjom Fire, Loss or Theft if it is deposited in our strong bank.

Cash that is concealed about the house is always in danger of being stolen. Why run the risk of losing it when you can have absolute security, by depositing it with this bankf Tom Humes drove to Madison Sunday. The Rev. Chester L. Marsh and j2 fauiilv, of Chestertown, who Walter Price, of Washington, D.

have been here for the past ten who is' visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price, went te Chi IV ays visiting his sisters, Mrs. E. All Normandy Voiles In almost all colors, 60c Mitton and Mrs.

Isabclle Leach, cago, 111., Saturday for a short lL2m iK and mother, Mrs.1 YYC. Marsh, have my. Think it over! lllili i value atr39e a vard 1 returned hoitje; 1 They inade the trip Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. MeGratU and by and visited several Ron, Billy, of North Vernon, were the week-end emests of Mr, and Jht Ckkst and Xbrgosrt injxfean Courtif? 3 1 All Linen Toweling villa 1 lit lasts at 15c a yard Mrs. Price Shelton, East Third mm street. Mr. and Mrs, W.

II. Sanders and historical pots enrdute; Prof, and MrsT Aura" Smith return to Cincinnati this evening after visiting at the home of his grandfather, the Rev. 3. F. Sever-inghaus.

Prof. Smith is the son of Lily Smith. He has just re? turned from England where been in school prepartory to taking Price Reduction pnAUfc INTERSTATE Public Service Co. son, Howard, have gone to Bedford, Shoals and Vincennes for two weeks! vacation. They made the trip by i fYMSiW, GESSO ISIMOfSfl SEYMOUR IND.

Mr. an3 Mrs, Omer Greeman, of up the position -of professor in one of our universities. Mrs. Smith is a East St. Louis, were" called here Saturday because the death of Keit Door to Shirt Factory 1 1 Main 420.

South Chestnut fi -110 "I teacher of orchestra music, in Cin- the former's brother, Kenneth Oree- iiiimmm1 imiMMimimnii. llllllllllllllillllil.llll.HlIltaJ man, and little son. riitnati. v..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2025)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.