Most Memorable Wanda Maximoff Quotes In The MCU - Looper (2024)


Most Memorable Wanda Maximoff Quotes In The MCU - Looper (1)

Marvel Studios

ByNeeraj Chand/

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is filled with strong and compelling female characters. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to spend all that much time with those characters due to the male-dominated nature of the franchise. However, a few exceptions exist in the shape of Natasha Romanoff, aka BlackWidow(Scarlett Johansson), Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), and Wanda Maximoff, aka the ScarletWitch (Elizabeth Olsen).

Wanda's journey through the MCU, in particular, has been one of the most interesting parts of the franchise. She starts as a villain before seeing the error of her ways and joining the Avengers. She then willingly turns into a fugitive again to aid Captain America before returning to the Avengers to save the world from Thanos (Josh Brolin).

Then came "WandaVision," a Disney+ show which finally put Wanda's personal life front and center, even though the series ends with Wanda's nature as a hero or villain more ambiguous than ever. Let us take a look at some of Wanda Maximoff's most memorable lines in the MCU that left fans wanting more of the Scarlet Witch.

We wait for two days for Tony Stark to kill us

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While many MCU heroes endured a great deal of hardship as adults, Wanda's trauma begins at an early age, when she is born into a family of four in Sokovia at the height of a civil war. Wanda's parents try to keep her and her twin brother Pietro (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) safe, but then two bombs land right in their apartment.

The first bomb's detonation kills Wanda's parents, but she and Pietro manage to survive when the second bomb does not go off. On the side of the bomb is the name of its manufacturer — Stark. For two days, Wanda and Pietro are trapped in their own home while the bomb lays in front of them. "We wait for two days for Tony Stark to kill us," Wanda tells Ultron (James Spader) about her childhood experience in 2015's "Avengers: Age of Ultron."

With that single line, Wanda succinctly explained the deep well of hatred that she and Pietro carried for Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). It also represents yet another one of Tony's problems from his days as a weapons manufacturer that comes back to haunt him after he turns his back on his old life.

Where do you think he gets that from?

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As much as "Avengers: Age of Ultron" was about the team of superheroes, it was also about Tony Stark's personal choices that drive the main narrative of its plot, which reach many of the other Avengers. After all, Tony's past as a weapons manufacturer sets up Wanda and Pietro's backstory while earning him their undying hatred.

It is also Tony's obsession with keeping the world safe that results in the creation of Ultron, a genocidal robot that tries to wipe out all of humanity whilst thinking it is doing a good thing.This leads Wanda to point out a major character flaw that Ultron inherited from Tony."Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it," Wanda states in the movie. "Who do you think he gets that from?"

This is one of the first times that Tony is held accountable for his actions in front of his teammates. Until then, the prevailing sentiment amongst the Avengers is that Tony is devoted to the cause of saving the world.However, with those words, Wanda makes Captain America(Chris Evans) realize Tony's ego and genius are not always a force for good. Later movies would continue with this theme, as Tony's teammates grow more distant from him over disagreements about the Sokovia Accords.

Do you know how it felt?

Most Memorable Wanda Maximoff Quotes In The MCU - Looper (4)

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In her first appearance in the MCU, Wanda is deeply committed to her hatred for Tony Stark and her desire to hurt the Avengers.It would take a world-changing event to force Wanda to alter her mindset and become the Marvel Comics hero she is meant to be.

Unfortunately, that major event turns out to be the death of Wanda's beloved brother Pietro. After realizing the true nature of Ultron's plans for humanity, Wanda and Pietro choose to work alongside the Avengers in saving Sokovia from the Ultron bots. Near the end, one of those bots manages to riddle Pietro's body with bullets, killing him on the spot. Wanda is aware of Pietro's death at the moment it occurs, and it tears the young witch apart from the inside.

Filled with rage, she confronts Ultron, who still has a soft spot for Wanda. The robot tells her to leave so she won't die. "I just did," Wanda replies bitterly. "Do you know how it felt?" She then tears Ultron's main power source out of his chest. As life fades from Ultron's eyes, Wanda declares, "It felt like that." Pietro's loss is something Wanda would continue to grapple with for the rest of her life, and not always in the healthiest of ways.

I can't control their fear

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The 2016 film "Captain America: Civil War" starts with Wanda blowing up a building full of innocent civilians. It is an accident, but that does not reduce the amount of guilt Wanda feels over her actions — or the trouble theAvengers get into with world governments over the incident. As a precautionary measure, Tony asks Wanda to stay within the confines of the Avengers compound, for the time being.

Riddled with guilt, Wanda feels she has no choice but to comply. The only person she has for company at the time is Vision (Paul Bettany), and the two have long conversations about the nature of Wanda's powers, and humanity's fear of that which it does not understand. Thanks to Vision's support, Wanda gets some of her self-confidence back. That is why when Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), comes to spring Wanda from the compound, she is able to put her fears aside and agree to escape.

Ironically, it is Vision who stood in Wanda's path to freedom. Although she takes no joy in doing so, Wanda uses her magic to take down Vision. "I can't control their fear," Wanda tells Vision after he warns her that escaping today means the world would never stop being afraid of her. "Only my own." In a lot of ways, that statement is Wanda's declaration of independence from the Avengers as she takes responsibility for her own actions.

You locked me in my room

It is a rare thing to see Tony Stark getting defensive. After all, the MUC's resident "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" is usually one of the most co*cksure of the bunch. However, Wanda has the rare distinction of making Tony uncomfortable in the prelude to the airport battle in "Captain America: Civil War" when he mentions Wanda's earlier attack on Vision.

"You locked me in my room," is Wanda's bitter reply. Tony defensively points out that such a statement is an exaggeration before inadvertently agreeing with her when he says he only did it to protect her. Despite having gotten past her old hatred of Tony that drives many of her actions in "Avengers: Age of Ultron," it is clear that there is still plenty of bad blood between the two left to wipe off.

Wanda also follows up her conversation with Tony by dropping several heavy cars directly on top of him. It doesn't kill him, and sadly that was the last significant interaction between Wanda and Tony. After so many years of directly and indirectly causing Wanda hurt and pain, the best thing that can be said about Tony's involvement in her life was that he is responsible for creating the love of her life, Vision.

You were pulling your punches

Wanda's powers are not the most dynamic ones in the MCU. While other heroes get to fly around, do summersaults, and swing from place to place, Wanda is usually seen standing in one spot and waving her hands around. But her tame fighting style masks just how dangerous an opponent Wanda actually is.

She always manages to use her powers in the most creative ways, either as a distraction, a shield, or a massively powerful offensive weapon. This can be seen in Wanda's solo fight against two of Thanos' strongest warriors at the start of 2018's "Avengers: Infinity War." Apart from her skills, there is a ruthlessness to Wanda's fighting style that often catches her opponents unaware.

This is also seen in the epic airport battle where Captain America's team squares off against Iron Man's team. Hawkeye is fighting Black Widow, but it is clear the two old friends are reluctant to go all out against each other. That is when Wanda snuck in a powerful attack against Black Widow while bluntly telling Hawkeye, "You were pulling your punches."

You took everything from me

The final days of the Infinity Stones saga continue to pile tragedy on Wanda's life. After years of being alone, Wanda has found a measure of happiness and completion with Vision. However, the duo's life together is cut short by Thanos' forces, which come to Earth seeking the mind stone in Vision's forehead.

After going on the run yet again, Wanda and Vision, along with the rest of the Avengers, are overwhelmed by Thanos' forces. At long last, the only option is for Wanda to take Vision's life with her own hands. To add insult to injury, the plan does not work to stop Thanos, and the Mad Titan is still able to snap away half the life in the universe. Wanda is among those who get snapped away.

Five years later, she is revived along with the rest of the people Bruce Banner brings back with the help of the new Infinity Gauntlet. For Wanda, the past five years have never happened, and her last memory is of Vision dying because ofThanos. When Wanda comes face-to-face with the villain a second time, she says, "You took everything from me." The rage enveloping every syllable in that sentence is chilling to listen to.

This is our home

It is after the events of "Avengers: Endgame" that Wanda's most powerful personal story is presented to fans in the Disney+ show "WandaVision." For the majority of the series, audiences see Wanda and a mysteriously revived Vision enjoying the idyllic sitcom life of a married couple living in the town of Westview.

The series eventually reveals that Wanda has constructed the artificial reality of the town as a coping mechanism to deal with the loss of Vision. Matters are further complicated when Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) arrives with the intention of stealing Wanda's powers.

In the end, Wanda has to come to terms with her actions. With her imaginary world crumbling around her and Agatha growing more powerful every second, Wanda looks at Vision, their love the only real thing left in her life, and says, "This is our home." With that, the two star-crossed lovers agree to take one last stand against a world that always found a way to tear them apart.

I can't feel you

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"WandaVision" is a show about dealing with loss. Throughout the show, we see Wanda go through the five stages of grief from denial, to anger, to bargaining, to depression, and finally acceptance, as she is forced to come to terms with the loss of Vision, the love of her life.

After several episodes, we finally see what triggered Wanda's adventure in Westview when Agatha Harkness forces her to reach into the forgotten corners of her mind and access her repressed memories. Audiences see Wanda arrive at a SWORD facility demanding to view the remains of Vision, or at least what little is left of him after his encounter with Thanos.

When Wanda is finally allowed into the room containing Vision's body, she can not stop the tears from cascading down her face. She whispered, "I can't feel you," a reference to the unspoken connection between Wanda and Vision enabled by the mind stone. A connection that is now broken, leaving Wanda alone once again. The mix of heartbreak and longing in Wanda's voice is one of the rawest line deliveries in the entire MCU.

You don't bother me, I won't bother you

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In a superhero group filled with a literal god, a green behemoth, and a flying weapons armory, it is strange to consider that some of the most epic scenes belong to a young witch like Wanda who just wants to be left alone. Case in point, when SWORD started taking too much of an interest in the false reality Wanda had created inside Westview.

Wanda tries to ignore SWORD's trespasses in her realm for some time. However, after one too many alarms, she has had enough. Wanda marches alone out of Westview into direct confrontation with SWORD director Hayward (Josh Stamberg) and his small army of soldiers. With dozens of guns aimed right at her, Wanda proceeds to lay down the law in front of Hayward.

"You don't bother me, I won't bother you," is the offer Wanda set before Hayward. When the director shows signs of wanting to continue interfering in Westview, a single gesture from Wanda turns all the guns pointing at her towards Hayward instead. It is one of the coolest examples of Wanda's powers in the MCU, which mirrored a similar display by Magneto, her father from the comics, that appears in the first "X-Men" movie.

You are my sadness and my hope

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Who could have imagined the most tender love story in the entire MCU would be the one between a sentient AI and a witch? However, the chemistry between Wanda and Vision is irresistibly compelling. The whole of "WandaVision" is a testament to the romance between the two, which was doomed since the start of the series.

Near the end of the show, it is revealed that the Vision that audiences have been watching has been built from scratch by Wanda based on her memories of the original Vision. Learning this makes the new Vision all the more uncertain about his genuine nature and place in the world. In the minutes before his death, along with the rest of the illusions in Westview, it is left to Wanda to give Vision some closure regarding his existence.

"You, Vision, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me," she explains. "You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you're my love." It is the most bittersweet moment in the entire series as the two lovers say their goodbyes one final time.

I don't need you to tell me who I am

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On its own, "WandaVision" is a story about Wanda learning to come to terms with the loss of Vision. However, the series also has an important part to play within the larger narrative of the MCU, and that is with regards to Wanda accepting her destiny as a being born of chaos magic, which is what makes her the mythical "Scarlet Witch."

That is where the show's villain comes into the picture in the form of Agatha Harkness, the witch who seeks to absorb Wanda's power. After revealing her true nature, Agatha proceeds to taunt Wanda about her limitations and the fact that she has always been too scared of her potential to embrace her true power.

In the end, Wanda rejects Agatha's manipulations, telling her, "I don't need you to tell me who I am." With that, Wanda completes her transformation into theScarlet Witch. Whether this change will be a good thing for the world remains to be seen.

We will say hello again

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While Wanda was the center of the narrative in "WandaVision," a major conflict has to do with the return of Vision after the android dies at the hands of Thanos. Throughout the show, watching Wanda, his two new sons, his inexplicably cheery neighbors, and the town they were living in, Vision grows increasingly certain that something is not right.

In the end, Vision has to come to grips with the fact that he is not real, but a figment of Wanda's imagination made solid through chaos magic. With that knowledge comes the realization that there is no life for him outside of the hex dome that Wanda has created in Westview. So Vision prepares to say goodbye to Wanda before the dome's magic is undone to free all the actual residents of the town who are trapped inside.

"We will say hello again," Wanda tells Vision before he disappears. It is as much a promise to viewers as it is to the android. Vision became a fan favorite of the MCU, and his loss was keenly felt. However, based on Wanda's words, and the paradoxical existence of White Vision,we may yet see some version of the character pop up in the MCU once again.

I made mistakes, and people were hurt

One issue that fans had with "WandaVision" was how the series finale effectively swept Wanda's behavior towards the residents of Westview under the rug. The young witch kept the entire town under a state of total control for weeks, which has clearly taken a massive toll on the mental health of the residents.

Yet after finally setting the town free of her magic, Wanda simply walks away from the whole mess and moves to another part of the world to study her newfound abilities as the Scarlet Witch. Many fans feel thatWanda's conduct in Westview was that of a supervillain, and there needs to be some kind of consequence for her actions.

In "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," Wanda shows up briefly in front of Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and admits, "I made mistakes, and people were hurt." It's not much in the way of an apology, but the movie will hopefully expand on those words, and explore how Wanda makes amends for her actions with the help of Doctor Strange. After all, if there is one person who can conceivably go up against the newly minted Scarlet Witch and force her to see sense, it would be the Master of the Mystic Arts himself.

Most Memorable Wanda Maximoff Quotes In The MCU - Looper (2024)


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